Brief advice about figure skates

The essence of this sport is the motion of an athlete on skates on ice, performing elements of gymnastics of different levels of complexity. This sport is both feminine and masculine.
Before talking about the past of the emergence of this sport, we need to consider the most basic sports equipment without which performance is impossible – skates. The first mention of it was in the Bronze Age. At that time, the northern peoples, mainly hunters, used metal strips attached to shoes. Due to this, they could move freely across the ice, chasing prey or covering long distances when traveling.

The initial figure skates arose in Holland in the 13th century. It became possible to engage in it after they created a metal analogy with two protrusions. The point was to draw different figures on the ice without losing balance and at this time maintaining a wonderful position.

Figure skates is almost like a sport

In Scotland, in the 1740s, the world’s first figure skate club formed. It was in Scotland that the primary rules and a list of obligatory figures for performance were invented. This sport quickly spread throughout Europe. Many clubs were generated, skates began to be improved and new samples were developed. Somehow this sport was learned in the USA. In 1870 this discipline was accepted as an formall sport. After recognition, this sport has a huge audience of fans. Yves soon conducted the official competition in this sport.

Figure skate rules

To consider the rules of this kind of sport, we first consider the diversity of it. There is a single kind for both men and women, skate in pairs, as well as two people dancing on ice. In the sole kind of sport, skaters must skate the short and long programs according to the rules. A brief program lasts up to 3 minutes. It includes 8 required elements. If the athlete did not fulfill one of them, then he earns penalty points.
In the long program, almost everything is the same, only the athletes themselves strive to involve in their program the most difficult items that none of their rivals can perform. When done correctly, skaters get big points.
In pair kind, the rules are almost the same as in the sole kind, only items for pairs have been added: support, leaps with ejection. The most main indicator is the synchronization of the motions of the pair.

The program of dancers is somewhat different. In each competition, couples have only one dance called compulsory, as a result of which the winners are determined. There is also a free dance, but it is not used in all competitions.
Synchronised kind. From 16 to 20 athletes from one team can participate in it. The name speaks for itself. The essence is simple, the more smoothly the team acts, the more points the team earns.

Equipment for athletes

There are many variations in the size of the rink, but mostly 30 by 60 meters. It has only plastic fixed sides. The ice must be perfectly flat, which is achieved by special equipment. Everything so that the athlete can show maximum results during his performance.
Professional equipment are made of durable and thick leather, have long lacing, a long tongue and ankle support on the back. Everything to ensure that the figure skater’s leg is fixed as much as possible in order to avoid unforeseen injuries on the ice. But real professional skaters resort to custom-made skates.

The blades are made from high-strength steel, which consists of two parts: the base of the blade and the nose of the tooth. The prongs are made specifically for pushing on ice. Figure skating suits are mostly made from lightweight, stretchy materials. Nowadays, mostly costumes give only individuality. During one competition, athletes can change costumes several times, depending on the numbers and music performed.